What Is Your Job?

“The work of God for you,” replied Jesus, “is to believe in the one whom he has sent to you.” John 6:29 (PHILLIPS)

It’s Monday and for some of us in the US, it’s a holiday. For others it’s a work day. For some of us, it’s a holiday but we have to go to work. And for others, we have work to do even if we are not spending time at a “job”. It seems like there is always work to do or a job to go to. And if you do go to a “job,” there are usually many other tasks outside of that job that need to get done.

It seems like my “To Do” list is never-ending. And I often ask God how I am supposed to get it all done. There isn’t enough time in the day to do what I think needs to get done.

But then God says “Wait. There is only one thing you need to do today and that is love me. If you don’t do anything else all day long but you spend time with me, you will have done the most important thing. Believe and everything else will fall into place.”

This is quite a relief. Because even when I do a whole lot, at the end of the day it can still feel like I got nothing accomplished. But, if I spend time with God each day, I know I did.

The most important thing we each do every day is spend time getting to know Jesus. If we check nothing else off of our “To Do” list today except that, we will have accomplished the ONE thing God said to do.

Somehow, everything else always seems to fall into place…..