I Have Something to Give!

“But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!””  Acts of the Apostles 3:6 NLT

My friend and I were sharing stories over coffee. It had been a little bit since we had gotten together so lots had happened over the few weeks. As we shared, we realized we both had a similar story. Hers happened in California, mine in West Virginia. 

Both of us knew someone who was moving from their home to another place. They could not afford the rent and needed to find something more reasonable. In one case, they were really at the bottom of their resources, so the move was hard. They were both trying to move by themselves. Have you ever tried to move by yourself? What an overwhelming, daunting task. 

In my case, my son told me he was going to help. I offered to go along because six hands are better than four. I also asked my dad to come because eight hands are better than six. After we finished the moving part, we took our friend to lunch and then the grocery store to buy some essentials. 

My friend had a similar experience. In her situation, God changed their travel plans just enough so she landed in CA right when her cousin needed to move. She recruited her husband and her son because eight hands are better than two. She went and helped her cousin move so he was not doing it alone.

As we shared these stories, today’s verse popped into my head. We may not have the money to rent movers or to pay for someone’s rent, but we do have our own form of silver and gold. It’s us. Peter and John offered what they could give (Jesus) and helped a man walk. When we offer what we can give, we also help people get on their feet. We share Jesus by offering ourselves and in that moment miracles happen. Miracles of love shared, and relief given. Miracles of Jesus being in the midst even if you don’t mention his name. 

I love the idea that we can help people “stand” when we are willing to give of what we have, ourselves and Jesus. All it takes is us to show up. How will you help someone stand today?