
What's Your Witness?

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. 1 John 3:18 (NLT)

Recently in Bible Study we were doing a topical study on what the Bible says about our witness. What are we supposed to do? How we are supposed to do it?

During the conversation it became really clear that God says our witness is our life. People see Jesus by our actions (or non-actions).  We share Jesus by living a life of love, acceptance, with the fruits of the Spirit alive and well in our every day. We talked about how witnessing wasn’t just about sharing Biblical facts but about sharing your personal story of Jesus.

I’m going to tell on myself a little here. During the time I shared a story about “how not to witness.” It was something I saw once that I didn’t like. That took us down the path of how God can use any efforts, even if they are misguided and how what I may think is a good witness may not be a good witness to someone else. He uses us all where we are to meet the needs of others where they are.

As we were praying at the end, I heard God say “if your witness is your life and your actions, how were you witnessing when you were sharing that story?” BAM! God’s lightbulb highlighted the error of my ways. You see, here I was talking about how I didn’t think you should witness and criticizing someone else’s witness...which caused me to wreck my own witness.

If my witness is my actions, the way I live my life and show love to others, criticizing someone else does not highlight Jesus. It highlights my opinion. The lesson I learned? It’s really easy to think we have it all figured out when in fact, we don’t. We are all in this together doing the best that we can. We should respect each other and see each other through the lens of Jesus’ heart. The only witness I need to worry about is my own and obviously, I need Jesus to help me with that every day.

Nana's Legacy

Therefore, go and make disciples....Matthew 28:19 (NLT)

When I was growing up, my grandmother was the first disciple maker I ever knew. She would come faithfully every weekend, pile all of us into her car and take us to church. Lest we misunderstand what a disciple-maker is, let's talk about what it is not.

Being a disciple maker is not about getting someone to church. As a matter of fact, that is the last thing it's about. Being a disciple maker is about pouring yourself into someone's life so they begin a relationship with Jesus. Of course, you can't pour out what you don't have so it also is about you being discipled as well. Who disciples you?  God. It's about listening to the Holy Spirit and following the leading of the Voice.

Back to my grandmother. Every day she spent time in prayer and with Jesus. I knew until the day she died that I was prayed over daily. She would call the house on a regular basis and talk to us. She was involved in what we were doing and every weekend she'd come pick us up and take us to church.

She was a disciple maker. She invested in the lives of those around her. She lifted  them up to the Lord daily, she was involved in the day-to-day and she reflected the love of Christ that was in her heart.

As I walk this journey of being a disciple of Jesus and discipling others, it had not occurred to me until just this weekend that I had witnessed this in action. Today, I am praising God for the folks who spoke Jesus into my life. Now, I have to go and do that for others.

Can Witnessing Really Be That Simple?

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-19 (NLT)

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.  Acts 1:8 (NLT)

In Matthew 28, Jesus tells us to go - in other words - live your life. Live - BE. This term can be translated to mean "as you go". So, as you go, make disciples.  In Acts 1:8 it tells us that we are to be Jesus witness. To witness is to give "evidence of something." As you are living and being and experiencing, your reactions, your responses, your actions should give evidence that Jesus is in your heart.

So, would an accurate paraphrase of these two combined verses be

"Live your life and as you are doing that, show everyone what you know about me so that from your life they have proof that I am alive. When you do that, people will follow me. And remember, you are not alone. We will be with you."

Or maybe more simply.....

Love Me With All Your Heart
Live Your Life Fully
I'll Do The Rest