Representing Jesus

Not Of This World But In It

“Now I am coming to you. I told them many things while I was with them in this world so they would be filled with my joy. I have given them your word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. They do not belong to this world any more than I do. Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. And I give myself as a holy sacrifice for them so they can be made holy by your truth. “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. John 17:13-20 (NLT)

Recently, I heard two stories that really bothered me. One was a post on Facebook by a friend who was sitting in a parking lot on the phone and a man drove up next to her, revealed himself in a lewd way and then drove off. It was a horrifying experience.

Then, a few days later on the news there was a story about a woman on a plane who woke up to a man groping her. The news said that the instance of women being groped on planes had increased 66% over the last three years.

As I sat there and watched the news, thoughts started creeping into my head. I am starting to travel more and these reports disturbed me. And I thought “I think I should just stay home more. Maybe if I don’t go out, I can avoid this horrible stuff.”

And then I realized that was exactly what Satan wanted me to think. If I shrink back from being in the world because I am afraid, he has won. 

Jesus is sending us into the world to make a difference. He is sending us to be a light in a dark place, salt to a world that is tasteless. We are to go and trust that God will be in every minute....even the scary and offensive ones. 

I am deeply disturbed for all the people who are experiencing the depravity of a world that has lost sight of God. I pray for the safety of everyone I know all the time. But God’s Word is clear. We cannot withdraw from what we are called to do. 

We have to engage. We have to “Go” and be Jesus here. We will only do that if we trust that God is bigger, stronger and present. He is present in a dying world because we “Go.”

Obeying In My Corner

I said, “Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8 (NLT)

Have you ever read Isaiah 6? Isaiah comes face to face with God’s glory. He’s caught up in the praise and worship and responds by surrendering to God when God says “Who will go?” Have you ever done this? Been so moved by the awesomeness of God, so infected with his love that you tell him you’ll go anywhere or do anything. Send me! Send me! I’ve asked God to send me. I am sure you have too!


When God asks us to go talk to our neighbor, we offer excuses. “God, I don’t know them. I’m not good with strangers. I don’t want to intrude.”

When God tells us to go visit someone in the hospital, we say things like “God, I’m not good with sick people. They might not want visitors. They might want privacy.”

When God says go spend time with your friend today, we think of all the things we have scheduled and how long it will take us and we opt not to be sent.

If we won’t follow his leading in our community, how do we expect to be willing to “be sent” on bigger missions? If we won’t walk next door, how will we move to another state or another job?

I really, really want God to send me. I want to be on mission for him. But I am coming to realize that first I need to surrender to what he has for me to do today. When he says go, I need to go. No excuses.

My mission needs to start in my own little corner of the world. It needs to start by obeying God wherever and however he sends me. Each and every day.

Don't Say A Word

The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
    The skies display his craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak;
    night after night they make him known.
They speak without a sound or word;
    their voice is never heard.
Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
    and their words to all the world. Psalm 19:1-4 (NLT)

Our world is filled with noise. From the hustle and bustle of daily life, signs posted everywhere, internet grabbing our attention, TV shows and commercials, everything is clamoring to get us to look here or look there.

What do we do to deal with this? We block things out. We tend to ignore the overwhelming clatter and banter. So what is a Christian to do? How can we represent God yet not contribute to the noise? How can we reflect his glory in silence?

There is a saying I love. “Preach the gospel to all the world and if necessary use words.” Nature understands this. God’s glory is revealed with splendor yet in silence. A beautiful flower, a spectacular sunrise or a majestic animal. Why? Because they are doing what they were created to do, glorify God.

Is it possible that if we live our lives as Jesus would have us to do we would reflect God more purely and simply than we would with any words or gimmicks? We would glorify his name because he was radiating from the inside out. My guess is, if we lived as if we loved God, we could share who he is without saying a word.