Jesus First

Who's First?

Do you love me more than these? John 15:21 (NLT)

Peter had denied Jesus - I know that felt awful. Can you imagine? After that, he returned to what he He was out on the lake failing at what he was supposed to be good at when he hears a voice. "Catching anything?" "Nope." "Throw the net out on the other side." They did. The net was overflowing and they realized it was Jesus.

Peter dives into the water and reaches shore. Jesus cooks them breakfast and they talk. He asks Peter "Do you love me more than these?"

These what? These fish? Was he asking Peter if he loved him more than his livelihood? After all, fishing was what paid the bills. How about these miracles? Peter, do you love me more than these miracles? It's possible. One of the reasons the disciples got so excited about Jesus was that he could take over the world with his power. Maybe he was asking Do you love me more than this comfort? When Peter denied Jesus, he return to what he knew best. He returned to where he was a place where it wasn't scary? Or maybe, he was asking Do you love me more than these other men do? 

Do you love me more than your money and possessions?
Do you love me more than your comfort?
Do you love me more than what I can do for you?
Do you love me more than you love anyone else?
Do you love me more than you love yourself?

If Jesus asked you these questions, what would your answer be?