God is Love

What To Do With "One Of Those Weeks"

There is a sure way for us to know that we belong to the truth. Even though our inner thoughts may condemn us with storms of guilt and constant reminders of our failures, we can know in our hearts that in His presence God Himself is greater than any accusation. He knows all things. 1 John 3:19-20 (VOICE)

This week was one of those weeks.  It seemed like every day something happened to make it harder and slow or stop progress.  Meetings that got moved, tasks not complete, technology issues (I particularly hate those), health issues, misunderstandings with co-workers, you name it, it happened.

As I lay my head on my pillow later than I intended last night, I told God what I thought of this week. In the process, I also blamed myself. It's super frustrating when you can't get things done that need to get done and it is super natural to beat yourself up more than you should.

Today's text (which I am sure God sent) reminds me that my inner thoughts do condemn me with guilt and reminders of failures but it also reminds me of who God is. God is not my accuser. God does not point fingers at me and say "You didn't get it right." God says, "I know. It's been a rough week. And I still love you."

That voice that is bringing you down?  That is not God.  That is the other insignificant player. Ignore him. He doesn't love you. He just wants you to fail. Listen to God's voice. The one that says "You are precious to me. This too shall pass. Just hold on. I am here."

Dear Jesus, Thank you for the reminder. Today, I give you my heart and my day. I love you. Amen

We Don't Have a Clue

And that every tongue should confess ...... Philippians 2:11 (KJV)

I keep thinking about this text. What is it every tongue should confess? Should every tongue confess that God is Love? Should every tongue confess that Jesus came, died and was resurrected so we would live forever? Should we confess that this applies to all of us, not just folks who look and act like us?

Should our tongues confess that no matter what Jesus loves you; that he died for you? No Matter What. And when should our tongues confess this?  Will it be only when he comes again? Shouldn't our tongues be confessing this NOW?

So often we see this text as something that will happen in the future but if it isn't happening now, it won't happen in the future. We are not likely to suddenly change our behavior and become more Christ-like just before Jesus comes. We have to know him now. We have to be able to confess who he is today. Today.

Can you? Do you know who he truly is? I don't. For the most part we don't have a clue who Jesus really is because he is too much for us to handle. There is no way I will ever fully understand Jesus but, it is my life's journey to find out.  How about you?

It's Really Not About You

God is love. 1 John 4:8

Notice what this text does not say?

It does not say "God is loving because you didn't get angry yesterday."

It does not say "God is loving because you didn't lie cheat or steal this week." or "You made all the right decisions so God loves you." or "You went to church this weekend so you are loved." How about "You totally flubbed that one up so you are not loved."

It doesn't say any of those things. As a matter of fact, it doesn't talk about us at all! It talks about God and who God is. It simply says "God is love." That's who he is and his love is not dependent on us.

Does he like it when we make bad choices? No. Does he wish we'd lean on him more and make better choices? Yes. Will he love us more if we make better choices? No. When we make bad choices, does he still love us? Yes.

I'm not sure where the idea came from that to be loved by God you had to perform.....oh wait that started in the Garden of Eden.....OK. So we know where it came from. But we also know it's a lie. When Adam and Eve didn't perform God came looking for them. He sought them out and he talked to them. Did they have to face the consequences of their decision? Yes. But he also provided for them in the midst of it. Why? Because God is love.

God's unconditional love is a gift. We don't deserve it. It's totally free. How about we stop believing the lie that we have to earn it? How about we stop making this about us and instead make it about God. What he wants from us is a relationship, not a completed list of accomplishments. Besides, our meager accomplishments are miniscule compared to what he's already done.