Describing God

How To Describe God

Did you know that Psalm 119 has a section for every letter of the Hebrew alphabet? I thought it would be fun to do something like that in English. So, for every letter of the alphabet, choose a word that describes God. I've filled in my thoughts. Now you try. Share some of your answers!

A - Awesome
B - Big
C - Creative
D - Dangerous
E - Exciting
F - Funny
G - Giving
H - Healing
I - Intentional
J - Jealous
K - Kingly
L - Loving
M - Mighty
N - Nailed
O - Omnipotent
P - Patient
Q - Quiet
R - Redeemer
S - Savior
T - Trustworthy
U - Unfailing
V - Vivacious
W - Willing
X - Xtreme
Y - Young at Heart
Z - Zealous