Just Because It's Hard

And I will lead the blind
in a way that they do not know,
in paths that they have not known
I will guide them.
I will turn the darkness before them into light,
the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I do,
and I do not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16 (ESV)

Back in April, I had a traumatic health event happen and afterward, I had to decide whether or not to have a surgery to fix the problem. I am one of those people who thinks you should try everything you can to heal yourself naturally. I think medicine is a good thing but I believe we could be healthier, heal naturally if we put in a little effort and look to medicine after we do those other things.

Having a surgery was something I did not want to do. At. All. Without it though, there was a good chance that I would have more traumatic events and that I may not come out on the other side. I asked everyone I knew what they thought. I studied. I researched. Everything pointed to having it but I still didn’t want to. Finally, I asked God. I felt that he said I should. I scheduled the surgery.

After the surgery, recovery was hard. I remember the second night I was awake most of it believing I wasn’t going to make it through this. I prayed and told God that I knew I had misunderstood and he wouldn’t have told me to have this surgery because this was one of the hardest things I’d ever done and it was awful.

A couple of days later the surgeon came in to discharge me. He looked at me and explained what they found on the pathology report. He said that the part they removed was so diseased and I quote “You would had have major problems with this if you had not had it removed.”

I realized as I processed this that God was in it after all. Sometimes, the path we are walking is not easy. Sometimes, he gives us hard things to do. Just because it’s hard, just because we feel like we are not going to make it, doesn’t mean God isn’t in it. He is.

When things are really, really hard and you feel like you are not going to make it through, trust. Trust that God is in it with you. Trust that he didn’t forsake you. Trust that he knows what you need to do, even if it hurts.