Let God

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ (‭NLT)‬‬

Have you ever tried to stop a bad behavior? And by bad I mean anything you are being convicted that you should not be doing. I have. Usually it goes like this.

I begin to feel a conviction (sense in my soul) that there may be something wrong with this behavior. Now, don’t get me wrong. If I am overtly sinning - like telling a lie or slandering someone, I know it’s wrong and I don’t have to wonder if I should stop that. I am talking more about a behavior that for some reason is not actually overtly sinning but God is saying “Stop”.

I begin to get the conviction and I’ll be honest, sometimes I am not pleased. It may be something that in itself is not a sin but maybe because I spend sooooo much time doing it, God is saying stop. Or maybe God knows this will lead me down a slippery path. Either way, I usually try to ‘discuss it’ with God.

I’m not sure why I do this. I know in the end I am going to admit that I trust him and I’m going to do what he says. I’m getting better.

OK. So I become convicted and I try to stop. And I try and I try and I try. Notice how many times I am trying? Obviously, I am not succeeding. It’s because I am trying on my own. I am not leaning into God for help.

I love today’s verse because it gives us the solution. But let God…..when we lean into God, focus on him, we begin to be changed from the inside out. Suddenly, God has changed the way I think. What was once appealing is no longer so. Where once I would try to rationalize, I now let it go. And in this process I find freedom.

Too often we think we have to clean ourselves up to come to God but the Bible says this is not so. God says come to me, let’s get to know each other and I will get you where you need to be. Our role? To do the things we can do to get to know Jesus. Spend a little time. Ask questions. Seek. (Kind of like you’d do if you wanted to get to know a person.)

God’s job is all the rest. And he will do it. He promises.