
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!  Malachi 3:10 (NLT)

Many years ago when my children were young, we were super tight on funds. I was a single mom and it was hard. I had just gotten paid. I went to the Grocery store and when I got home I sat down to pay the bills. After that, there was a little bit left. I was excited about that because my daughter needed a new pair of shoes.

Then, I heard the Voice. “You didn’t pay tithe.” So I started reasoning. Lord, if I pay tithe I won’t have money for shoes. Silence. I have learned enough to know when I get the silent treatment from God it’s because He knows I know what I’m supposed to do.

Not sure what came over me because my inclination was to buy shoes but I paid the tithe.

A few days later I was at work and a lady walked into my office. She said “Don’t you have a daughter that’s 2?” I said yes. She said “My daughter is just a little older than that and I just went through her clothes getting rid of the things that were too small. Would you like them? Maybe they’ll fit your daughter.” I assured her I would definitely like the clothes.

She came back a little while later with a kitchen sized garbage bag full of clothes. I took them home and started going through them and guess what was at the very bottom. A pair of shoes just the right size with the tag still on them! Not only did I get a pair of shoes, I got an entire bag full of clothes!

I know we’ve all heard stories about this kind of thing. God’s faithfulness is timeless. But, I can attest to the fact that over the years, in more ways than I can count, he has provided for me when I’ve been faithful to him. Some days, the possibilities look scary until I remember who God is and all he has done. Then I realize the possibilities are endless.