Be An Overcomer!

They triumphed over him
    by the blood of the Lamb
    and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
    as to shrink from death. Revelation 12:11 (NIV)

All throughout Revelation we are told that we should overcome. And of course, as Christians we know Jesus overcame. If you read the end of the book, it is clear that in the end, we do overcome. We triumph over Satan (the accuser). We defeat the Devil (the slanderer.) How do we do that?

First, it is really clear that it is by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus’ death on the cross once and for all defeated Satan. He is done, kaput, finished. But what else helped defeat him? Our testimony.

As I pondered this I wondered “What testimony?” I kept going over it time and again. I think I wanted a clear cut definition. A concrete thing I could point to and say “There, that’s the answer.”

The definition in the dictionary of testimony is “evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something.” The funny thing about testimony is the evidence we provide is not a canned response. Evidence is specific to each case where it is presented.

That’s the amazing thing about this concept. While we all share in the blood of Jesus, our evidence (our testimonies) that he saves is completely different for each one of us. Imagine it! My testimony is not the same as yours and yours is not the same as anyone else! And therein lies the power.

This is what demolishes Satan. Each and every one of us has a testimony. Each and every testimony is a personal experience on how Jesus saved us. There will be so many attestations of his love. So many proclamations that Jesus Saves.

Let me ask you. What is your testimony? How do you know that Jesus is real and alive in your life? Your testimony is important. It will help you overcome.