I Didn't Think Of That!

For all these forty years your clothes didn’t wear out, and your feet didn’t blister or swell. Deuteronomy 8:4 (NLT)

We were faced with a huge challenge. Things weren't going so well in my business and we were at the point where I would no longer get paid. To be honest, I was in full panic mode. I had a knot in my stomach; I was barely able to hold it together in front of other people.  Every prayer consisted of "We need your help." I wasn't sure what to do. I felt like my only option was to close the business and get another job.

One morning I woke up about three days in with the Bible text in my head "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5)  Now, I don't normally wake up with a Bible texts in my head so I kept repeating that text over and over and I kept praying.

To tell you the entire journey would take a long time because it lasted for a year and a half. All that time he said "Wait. Don't do anything, just wait." And do you know what? All that time God provided. All that time we had the money we needed to help pay the bills even though I wasn't getting paid.  And the money came in from so many different avenues you just knew it was God. 

When I read this text about the Israelites clothes not wearing out for forty years, I paused.  In the past I would not even have noticed it but now I read it and think, "Yeah, that's God." When he provides he finds ways to meet your needs that you wouldn't even have thought of. Who would have thought he would keep clothes from wearing out for forty years? Who would have thought he kept their feet healthy as they walked through the dry desert? 

God is providing all the time. Whether it be funds when there are none, gifts to ease the financial strain, a comforting word from a friend, keeping our bodies functioning so we can do what he wants us to do or a text from the Bible at just the right time to keep us going....those (and so many other blessings) are all God.

Thank God he doesn't work based on our limitations. We see a problem and believe that there is no way around it. God sees a problem and sees a million ways to solve it.  That is the God we serve!