The Devil You Know

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32 (NLT)

The other day I heard the phrase "The devil you know is better than the devil you don't." The phrase originated in the 1500s and was printed in a book of Irish proverbs. It basically means sometimes it is better to deal with something you don't like but know, rather than something you don't know at all.

In some cases, I agree with this statement. But in the case of Satan, I want to stick with the devil I know. Here are some of the things the Bible says about Satan.

  • He deceives us. 2 Corinthians 11:3
  • He is a murderer and a liar. John 8:44
  • He is a thief. John 10:10

That definitely is not better than anything. No matter what, it seems like the devil you don't know would be better, right? Not if you read the rest of the story. The Bible also says:

  • You can fight off his advances by choosing Jesus. Ephesians 6:11-16
  • If you stand up to him, he flees. James 4:7
  • He has already been crushed. Romans 16:20
  • He has been conquered and defeated. Revelation 20
  • Jesus put him in his place and if we choose Jesus, he is not a threat. Revelation 12:11

So you see, I will choose the devil I know. He's conquered. He's defeated. He's outta here!