Asking Amiss

You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss...James 4:3 (NKJV)

Have you ever pondered on this verse? What is the definition of amiss? According to the dictionary, it means "not quite right, inappropriate or out of place." 

So is this verse saying "You are not receiving what you ask for because your request is inappropriate? Out of place or not quite right?" What does that mean?

When James wrote this, it is clear in the first few verses that there were problems. People's motives were wrong. They wanted things that weren't theirs and they also wanted things they should not have. 

He first says "You don't have because you don't ask." Is it possible the reason they don't ask is because they know they shouldn't be asking for it in the first place? Do you ever do that?  You want something but you aren't asking God because you know he probably, in his tremendous love, say no? Or how about when you are doing something and you know God wouldn't like it so you don't talk to him about it? Same thing really. 

Later in verse three it says "that you may spend it on your pleasures." And there is why they were asking amiss.  There is nothing wrong with pleasure, God gives it to us all the time. The problem is when the pleasures we want are unhealthy and harmful to ourselves and others. 

As I continued to ponder this verse, I thought about whether I ask amiss. The answer is probably yes. While I don't outright ask for things that are unhealthy or harmful, my requests might be "not quite right." Maybe I am asking for the wrong reasons. Maybe my focus is on the wrong thing - like something temporal and not eternal. In my humanness, I am sure I do this. 

What am I going to do about it? I am going to pray and ask God to get my heart aligned with his so my requests are based on his kingdom and not my own.  That prayer will be spot on; there is not a chance of asking amiss if I am asking for God's heart.