Pain and Worship

Job stood up and tore his robe in grief. Then he shaved his head and fell to the ground to worship. Job 1:20 (NLT)

Job just found out that he had lost everything, most importantly his family. What was his response? To grieve and worship. That doesn't sound synonymous does it? How can you grieve and worship at the same time?

One of the problems we have is that we see worship as something we do only when we are happy. We only think of doing it when we are happy or when things are going well. Often, I think we misunderstand why we worship.  We shouldn't worship because everything is going well.  We should worship because of who God is and because of how he loves us.

It's hard to do that. Sometimes, it's really hard. Maybe because when things are going badly, we focus on the bad and forget to look up and remember who we are.

We are children of the King! Chased after by a God who would give anything to make sure we spend eternity with him. We are loved by Jesus so completely that he endured unthinkable things so we could choose eternity. The Holy Spirit whispers love songs into our hearts. We are never forgotten. We are always the center of their attention.

So on days when your problems are overwhelming, on days when you need to grieve, remember, you are not in this alone. Take a little time to focus on Jesus. Worship who he is in the middle of all that you are going through. Know you are loved and being held.