What Does Your Heart Worship?

But Jacob replied, “My son will not go down with you. His brother Joseph is dead, and he is all I have left. If anything should happen to him on your journey, you would send this grieving, white-haired man to his grave. Genesis 42:38 (NLT)

Many years before, Jacob lost his son Joseph. He believed he was dead. His heart never healed and he grieved his entire life for the loss. I have not lost a child but I know this is a very real scenario.

Jacob did something else though. He put Benjamin on the throne of his heart. Benjamin was Joseph’s brother. Jacob protected him at all costs and refused to let him out of his sight. It literally took an act of God to get Jacob to relinquish this control.

What about you? What sits on the throne of your heart in place of God? To what would you say “absolutely not” if you were asked to give it up? You see, it doesn’t matter how it got there or what it is, there is room for only One on the thrones of our hearts. God does not share the throne.

As we take a look around us this Thanksgiving and contemplate all that we are thankful for, take note. Is there something on your list that needs to be put in its proper place so God can reign where he belongs? Is there something you are holding so tightly that it would take an act of God to pry it from your hands? If there is, let go of your grip.

God wants to be your number One. He wants you to depend on and trust him. He wants to be in relationship with you. That is always his first and last goal. Stop saying “I can’t” and help him make it so.