Shields Up!

But you, God, shield me on all sides;
You ground my feet, you lift my head high;
With all my might I shout up to God,
His answers thunder from the holy mountain. Psalm 3:3-4 (MSG)

It’s Monday. Sometimes getting started on a Monday is something I want to avoid. You know, you have to revisit the things that you gladly left behind on Friday. It was such a pleasure to just forget them and think about something else for a change.

I love today’s text because it reminds us of a couple of things.

  1. No matter what you are facing, God is surrounding you with himself. He is shielding you and caring for you.

  2. He keeps our feet grounded where we need to be (instead of running away from what we don’t want to face.)

  3. He lifts our head to stand tall and in that motion, lifts our eyes to stay focused on him.

  4. When I feel overwhelmed and slipping, I can shout as loud as I want! I can cry out for help and…

  5. He answers me!

We forget that God is with us. That he is our Shield and our Sustainer. We forget that we are loved.

Remembering this today…..Everyone! Shields Up! Let’s go face the day!