Maybe God Is......

Perhaps the Lord will help us 1 Samuel 14:6 (NLT)

Ever find yourself in the middle of a plan or project and it isn’t working out the way you wanted? Maybe life in general is happening this way. I’ve found myself working toward a goal and then suddenly everything grinds to a halt or takes two steps backwards. Super frustrating.

It feels like God is always teaching me to wait. Maybe I need that lesson. Obviously, I have not perfected it yet because we keep revisiting it.

During these times I find myself saying “Maybe God is…..” or “Maybe God will……” They are usually positive statements. You know, “Maybe God is delaying this so …..” and then I fill in the blank. In my mind’s eye I can imagine a lot of reasons why God is delaying what I want to happen.

And really, there is nothing wrong with that. It is always good to look and see where God is working and what he is doing. If he is working somewhere other than where I am working, I need to move to his camp. If he is doing something other than what I am doing, I need to join him. I’d rather be working alongside him than on my own…no matter what I may want.

One thing I do know. The Bible tells us that God can do more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) and that his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). So we need to be careful. As we are looking to see where God is working and we tell ourselves “Maybe God is…..”, when it is not working out the way we want, we still need to trust him.

After Jonathan says “Perhaps the Lord will help us” he says, “for nothing can hinder the Lord.” And that is the part we need to remember.