Your One Life

Whatever work you do, do your best, because you are going to the grave, where there is no working, no planning, no knowledge, and no wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NCV)

Recently, I got to attend a church planting event. The presenters were people who God had called in some way to share who He is with people.  Any people.  People in their community, people in their town, state, and yes, world....whatever!  I was truly blessed by the men and women whose passion is doing whatever it is God puts in their path. 

One of the presenters asked "What is God going to say happened with your one life?"

Made me think a minute......or actually for many minutes. God may not be calling me to be involved with a world-wide movement. He may not even be calling me to be a city-wide movement. But he is calling me.  He is calling every single one of us to something.

Everyone's calling is unique to them. God does not call any two people to the same thing. You know why? Because he uses you in your own skin. He uses you where you are. So let me ask you....

What is God calling you to do?  What Big Dream has he put on your heart? What will you do with the one life you have? My prayer is that I use this one life in such a way that when I see God face to face that he will say "Well Done!"