Where Are My God-Focals?

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8 (NLT)

My husband loves pumpkin pie so I decided to make one as a surprise. I got out the can of pumpkin and carefully followed the recipe on the back adding the ingredients as described. First, I mixed the sugar, salt, cinnamon, cloves and ginger in one bowl. Then, the eggs, pumpkin, spice mixture and evaporated milk mixed all together.  Poured it into the crust and baked it.

When my husband tasted it he said, "Honey, did you cut back on the sugar in the recipe." Now, this is a legitimate question because I tend to want to try to make things 'healthier' so I'll experiment with less sugar or more fiber. But in this case I didn't. I said "Nope, I made it just the way you like it." His face told me maybe something was off.

So, I pulled out a can, looked at the recipe and found the problem. I was looking at the can without my glasses. You know, those pesky things you have to read with as you get older. Hate those things. Anyway, when I read the can without my glasses it called for 1/4 cup sugar. When I read it with my glasses it called for 3/4 cup sugar. So, yes. I did make it with less sugar (and by the way it didn't taste too bad!).

I often think of the fact that we see God as lesser than he really is. We are looking at him with skewed eyesight. Sometimes it is because well, we aren't really looking at him. We are looking at everything else going on and we lose focus. Sometimes it's because we are seeing him through someone else's eyes. We've heard about him from lots of people but we haven't taken the time to see him up close and personal. There is also the fact that often we don't trust him so we tell ourselves we have to look before we leap. Our vision for ourselves and the future becomes myopic.

At the end of the book of Job when God reveals himself, Job says "I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. (42:5)" We have to do the same. We have to stop looking at God with sight that is way too small. We have to broaden our vision and open our minds to just how big he is. Nothing is too great for him. There is nothing he cannot do. It's time we put on our "God-focals" and stop limiting his greatness.