The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Genesis 3:6 (NLT)
People ask "Why did God tempt Adam and Eve by putting the tree in the garden?" Let's be clear, God did not tempt Adam and Eve. God put the tree in the garden and told them what he wanted. Satan tempted Eve. And Eve chose what she thought would bring her the most pleasure in that moment.
The same thing happens with us every day. God says "This is the life I want for you. These are the things that will bring you blessings. Choose me and your life with be abundant." And we look at it and say "BUT, if I choose this other thing that isn't in your list of good stuff, I will be ___________." Fill in the blank (Happy. Rich. Successful. Popular). And then we think we can have what we want and God too.
Wrong. You can't. Now let's be clear. God loves you. He wants the very best for you. But what he cares about the most is your salvation. He cares more about that than your happy, successful, profitable state of mind. Eve figured that out. She got her taste of delicious. And her wisdom sure did grow because of that one decision (we all grow when we make bad decisions don't we?). But she also paid for choosing herself first.
Did God still provide? Yes. Did God still show up? Yes. But it wasn't the same. There was a distance between them that didn't exist before. I don't want that. I want to choose what God wants so I can stay close and connected. Will I temporarily be unsatisfied with my status quo? Probably. In the end will it matter? No.
Father God, Please. Help me in my humanness to choose you first above everything. Amen