Friday, Feb 24

Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see.
For the glory of the LORD rises to shine on you.
Isaiah 60:1 (NLT)

The Bible says we are supposed to be a light in our world. What does that mean exactly? It means that in everything we do, in all situations we are to flash the love of Jesus from our inner selves – from our hearts. As I was imagining this, I pictured everyone who loved Jesus walking around in their neighborhood, work, homes, streets of their cities with flashes of light beaming from them as they loved each other. Imagine it. You are gazing down a crowded city street and you see these bright, intense flashes of light popping up everywhere. And then you see them coming out of windows of homes and high rises. Beams of light penetrating through car windows and from smoke stacks and fireplaces. Arms of light reaching around the globe as we interact and care for each other. Can you see it?

Today, whether you are a corporate executive in an office building, a teacher in a school, a janitor in a condominium, a stay at home mom or a taxi driver, be a Flasher. Flash Jesus where ever you go. How are you going to Flash someone today? Be a Flasher!