Appreciating What We Take For Granted

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT)

Maybe another way of being thankful is to not take something for granted. I can sit and think of things I am thankful for but if I think of things I take for granted, an entirely new list of things pops into my head...especially lately.

Here is a list of things I may take for granted and I shouldn't.  As I reflected on these things, I realized I am also extremely grateful for them.

That my digestive system works
My Memory
My husband
That I have a job
That I can pay the bills
Changing Seasons (which means the Earth is spinning as it should)
A place to go when I am overwhelmed, Jesus
The Love of Family and Friends
The Ability To Give Thanks

What about you?  What do you take for granted that is a gift from God?

Happy Thanksgiving! May God pour out his Spirit on our hearts, our homes and our World.