
I Am Kinda, Sorta Like That

When Moses reported the Lord’s words to all the Israelites, the people were filled with grief. 40 Then they got up early the next morning and went to the top of the range of hills. “Let’s go,” they said. “We realize that we have sinned, but now we are ready to enter the land the Lord has promised us.” Numbers 14:39-40 (NLT)

Again the people grumbled against Moses and Aaron and let's be honest, against God. God's answer was that they would not enter the Promised Land. And, he told Moses this.  Moses shared it with the people and they decided to go anyway.

EXCUSE ME? God tells you not to do something and you are going to do it anyway? Don't you know who you are dealing with?  God is well, GOD! He controls everything. He knows the end from the beginning. He is present in everything. He is all-powerful. He has a plan and the plan always works out the way he wants. And you, Israelites, decide to go it on your own?  What is wrong with you?

Wait. What? Do I ever do this same thing? Do I ever read my Bible and ignore the parts I don't want to deal with? Do I ever feel convicted about something and tell God I'll do that later? Do I ever do something that I know God doesn't want me to do because.....well.....because I want to?

Well, if you put it that way....yes, yes I do. I may have been one of the Israelites standing on top of the hill about to go into the Promised Land without God. What about you? 

He's Got This

The Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. Romans 8:27 (NIV)

The other day at Bible Study we started discussing the Holy Spirit. Of course, you can't do that in one sitting...or probably a hundred because there is too much to Him. But that's another Thought!

The next day, I came across this text and it brought me back to our discussion. We often feel like we are alone in our stuff.  We are alone in our decisions. We are alone in our problems. We are facing the emotional upheavals by ourselves. We forget.

We forget that when we chose Jesus, when we were baptized that we were filled with the Holy Spirit. We forget that he is a part of our lives and is very, very involved. The Holy Spirit is always working on our behalf doing the will of God. 

When I ponder this, well, it kind of blows my mind. As I am processing through some tough decisions at work, he is there guiding me. When I am praying about a tiff I had with someone, he is convicting my heart. When I am facing a problem that is way bigger than I can handle on my own, he is working on my behalf in the background. And when I am dreaming about the big dreams God has placed on my heart, he is showing me step by step how to get there. Like I said, blows my mind.

If we know that the Holy Spirit is involved, is intervening on our behalf working the plan out according to what God wants (even if we can't see it right this second), shouldn't we be confident in what's happening in our lives? I guess my next question is Do we believe it?

Get Out Of That Hole!

But the servant who received the one bag of silver dug a hole in the ground and hid the master’s money. Matthew 25:18 (NLT)

Do you ever feel like this guy? You have been given something to do and you are 100% positive you can't do it. The one thing you are really, really sure of is the knot in your stomach and the fear that follows you around telling you that you are not qualified to do the thing God has given you to do.

I have been there. And there are still days that I feel this way. It makes you stop in your tracks and become unable to move forward, no matter how much you want to. Those voices that whisper to you of failure....they really are crippling.....as long as you listen to them.

And there, my friend, is where you have a choice. The man in the parable of the talents made his choice. He buried the cause of his fear and walked away. You don't have to do that. You can turn to God and tell him about your fear and ask him for courage. You can turn to the Bible and read his promises. You can strengthen yourself by remember the amazing things he has done in the past.

And then, after you remember who gave you the assignment; that he is all powerful and that he promises never to leave you for forsake you; then you can dig up what you buried and take a step forward. 

Don't kick yourself for being afraid. Fear is normal. But don't be like the man who buried his life with his fear. Recognize it for what it is and ask God to give you strength. He has great plans for you but he can't fulfill them with you hiding in a hole.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6

Seek Because He's Not Hiding

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 (ESV)

Did you wake up this morning and think about the list of things you had to do? Did you wonder if you would get it all done and realizing that maybe you wouldn't get discouraged? Do you feel like you just can't get there because you aren't accomplishing all the things on your list?

Today, I have a different task for you to try. I want you to go about your day asking God to reveal himself to you. Then, I want you to look for him. Everywhere you go, in everything you do, look for God in it.

Maybe it's in the warm smile of another person. Maybe it's in something beautiful you saw or the sound of someone's kind words. Or how about in an act of kindness you did for someone else or a blessing that you received.

I've taken this challenge in the past and I was amazed at all the places I saw God throughout my day. Places I didn't notice before because I wasn't actually looking for him. I was too distracted with my 'lists.' I know you will see him. He is in everything we do. He is all around us. We just need to change our focus.

Would love to hear what you see today. Most importantly, I know your heart will suddenly be full. No matter what you actually accomplish (or not), it will still be a better day!

No Rules, Just Relationship

May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:19 (NLT)

Last week I had a conversation with someone about submitting to God. She asked me "How do you do that? What's the process?" As I was praying for her and thinking about this conversation, it occurred to me that this was the wrong question. And, we often ask the wrong question when it comes to God. We want a step by step process for how to do "religion."

This week, the posts have been about our hearts being right during offerings, praising God, repenting and representing God to others. All of these things are important for Christians and for our spiritual walk but let's be clear, if you are making yourself do these things so you can check the box, your offering is stinky (see the post from July 2.)

Often we can make ourselves do the right thing. (I personally have never been good that this.) But doing the right thing isn't at the core of what life with Christ is about. The Bible is really clear that the goal is to know him. To fall in love with him and be in a relationship with him. 

How do you do that? Here is the only thing that you can do that will truly change your life; spend time with him. It doesn't matter if it's five minutes for five hours. Spend time with him.

  • Read the Bible or if you are just getting started and that's harder for you, read a devotional.
  • Pray - no timer - just talk and listen. When you are done, stop. When you want to talk again, start.
  • Listen to Christian music - some of the best encouragement is here.
  • Praise! When you are happy, praise him! Shout it out, dance around and yell WOOHOOO!
  • Find a friend or two that know Jesus. Share with them.

I left the church for a while after high school.  After I had my kids, I decided to go to church (that felt a little awkward.) I was sitting in the pews, the preacher was preaching and I very clearly heard "Come back." For some strange reason, I knew who it was. And, I said "No. There are too many rules and too much judging." Do you know what he said? "Come and get to know me. No rules. Just me." I thought "Well, what do I have to lose? I'm pretty sure this isn't going to work." So I said "OK." I don't remember everything but I remember starting with a five-minute devotional every morning. When I finished that, I bought another. I started praying more.....not every day at first and slowly, through life's circumstances, God's word (in the devotional) and people, I began to experience Him. That was so long ago but, God is still in it with me to this day.

Get to know who Jesus is - no rules, no check boxes, just honest curiosity. When you do this, your life will take on new meaning and you will be changed. And oh by the way, it does become an exciting adventure.  God is anything but boring. 

What Do They See When They See You

Very early the next morning, the king got up and hurried out to the lions’ den. When he got there, he called out in anguish, “Daniel, servant of the living God! Was your God, whom you serve so faithfully, able to rescue you from the lions?” Daniel answered, “Long live the king! My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.”  Daniel 6:19-22 (NLT)

The King decreed that anyone who bowed down before another would be killed. Daniel continued to bow before God and pray. Back in those days, there were no pardons. As much as King Darius did not want to do it, Daniel had to be thrown into the Lion's Den. King Darius paced all night long unable to sleep because he was worried about this friend, Daniel. The next morning, as soon as he was able, he ran to the Lion's Den and said "Daniel, servant of the living God! Was your God, whom you serve so faithfully, able to rescue you from the lions?" 

Did you notice that? Darius was distraught about what was happening to Daniel. It was personal for him and the first question he asked was "Was your God able to save you?" Yeah, we notice that right away but we gloss over the statement "Whom you serve so faithfully." In all of the commotion, the stress of the situation and the drama, Darius noticed that Daniel was faithful to God. Daniel did not deviate from his relationship with God for any reason. He didn't compromise on what God called him to do and Darius took notice.

In verses 26-27 Darius puts out a decree that says:

I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel.
For he is the living God,
    and he will endure forever.
His kingdom will never be destroyed,
    and his rule will never end.
He rescues and saves his people;
    he performs miraculous signs and wonders
    in the heavens and on earth.
He has rescued Daniel
    from the power of the lions.”

Daniel's relationship with God and God's power convicted Darius about who God was.

So often in our lives, stuff happens. Things don't go the way they should. We, as Christians, face trauma and problems just like everyone else.  What sets us apart? Our trust in God and the way we handle our messy lives. Just like in Daniel's life, the people we know and love watch what we do and they take note. Who is in charge of our lives? What motivates our decisions and our reactions? If you looked back over the last week or so, how do you think people would answer that question?

A Different Kind of Freedom

For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NLT)

A couple of weeks ago, I did something that at the time seemed good. However, immediately after I did it, I felt this twinge of doubt. I had decided to do something that involved someone else but I didn't ask them first. I knew the twinge was probably because I wasn't respecting the other person and giving them the honor that was due to them.

On the big scale of things, this doesn't seem so bad. I reasoned that I was going to fix it and no one would ever know and all would be well. But, as days slipped by and it was not rectified, I also reasoned away the prick of my conscious. 

Finally, one day during my worship, I felt the Holy Spirit, with more force than a twinge or a prick, tell me to deal with it. Not only did I need to fix the mistake I made but I had to tell the person I had ignored and apologize.

To be clear, I did not want to do this because well, admitting you are wrong and apologizing, that's hard for this sometimes wayward human heart. But I knew God's voice was not going to get quieter and that if I didn't listen and he stopped talking about it, I would have dishonored my relationship with him. While the other unknowing person in this situation would probably never have known, God always does. I had a choice to make.

My relationship with God is more important to me than my pride so I fixed the situation, went to the person, told them what happened and apologized. They were gracious and forgiving. 

The next thing I felt was relief. I'd been carrying that around for two or so weeks and I could feel it festering in my soul.  Suddenly, it was gone. I was freed from that thing that was invading my walk with man and my walk with God. There are all sorts of freedoms that we can celebrate today but, the ability to live free in your heart is the very best one.

Rocking The House

Like some fiery choir, they would call back and forth continually.
Holy, holy, holy is the Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies!
The earth is filled with His glorious presence!
They were so loud that the doorframes shook, and the holy house kept filling with smoke. Isaiah 6:3-4 (VOICE)

Ever been to a concert or some event where the crowd is on fire for whomever is entertaining them? The room is filled with electricity. Everyone is "in one accord" as they join in singing to the music and being united with one purpose. Mostly, I enjoy this if it is a Christian concert because adding praise to that scenario takes it to the next level.

Can you imagine how Isaiah must have felt in that room with all the seraphim singing and praising God? Like a fiery choir they called back and forth praising God and filling the temple with songs of praise and adoration. Isaiah 6 tells us that they were so loud the doorframes shook! 

WOW! Wish I could be in that place worshipping in that way. The electricity, the excitement, the joy as everyone praised God. There will come a day when we get to worship with the angels in this way and my heart skips a beat to imagine how awesome that will be. 

Until then? We should keep on praising him here and now. The gentle praise of his kids has a mightier impact than the choirs of angels....we forget that we can rock the house with our lives.