Wednesday, Mar 8

God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together. Genesis 22:8 (NLT)

When God called Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, he was pretty clear about what he wanted Abraham to do. And to Abraham's credit, the next morning he began the task put before him. The next morning? Really? I would have been tempted to ponder a while to see if I had heard that right. I would have wanted to pray about it for a season to get clarity. But Abraham had heard that voice before and he loved it. He knew who was speaking to him.

He started the three day journey. I can't imagine what must have been going through his mind as he put one foot in front of the other. What was he thinking as he walked along the path about the God he knew and this latest call? How did they reconcile to each other? When he told Isaac that God would provide, was that something he knew in his heart or was it something he said out loud to comfort his son (and himself).

As we all know, God did provide a Lamb. And Abraham praised him for the gift. I believe that in Abraham's heart he was also praising him because the God he knew, the God he loved showed up and delivered. I believe his praise going forward would never be the same because his God experience had forever changed. God does test our faith. He does ask us to walk some paths that are overwhelmingly hard. But when we come through on the other side, we will praise him all the more.

Tuesday, Mar 7

Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves. Now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NLT)

In this story, the woman is entrenched in a religious society (and she's not doing so well keeping up with everyone else). She understands the big topics of debate and is really good at deflecting any personal accountability by throwing the hot topics onto the table when things get too uncomfortable - too personal. Then, she encounters Jesus and experiences him for herself. She is moved by his presence and tells all the people she knows. They are invited to come and see for themselves. They do and as they spend time with Jesus, they personally experience him too.

Their faith is no longer because of what they heard. It is because of who they experienced. They are changed. How often do we do this? We may know how to provide all the right answers to the religious questions of our upbringing and we may look great on the outside but until we experience Jesus for ourselves, we will not be changed on the inside. Let's face it. Religion for religions sake is not fulfilling. But it doesn't have to be like that! Once you experience Jesus for yourself, personally, you will experience something unlike anything you've ever known. You will become undone.

I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. Job 42:5 (NLT)

Monday, Mar 6

But even if he doesn't.......Daniel 3:18 (GNT)

We read those words from Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and are moved by them. They were told to bow down and worship King Nebuchadnezzar's statue. When they refused, the King threatened to throw them in the fiery furnace. Their response was "Our God is able to save us but even if he doesn't......"

Lately, I've been praying hard for confirmation from God. I'm on a path that I believe he set into motion. I believe it but I want confirmation just in case I'm wrong. I want everything to work out fine....for God's glory, of course. Don't we all do this? We pray for God's leading and we really do want it for his glory but we want it for our security as well. If the words "Lord, I just want to know it's your plan." were translated into our hidden heart words it might look like "Lord, can you please assure me that this is going to work out fine and there will be no pain. This will all be for your glory"

The questions I've been wrestling with lately are these:
"If it doesn't work out and the bottom falls out of my world, will I still praise and worship God?"
"Is Jesus enough if everything else is taken away?"
"Am I worshiping him because of who he is or what he will provide?"

How about you? Answer your own question. But even if he doesn't _______________________
(spare my loved one's life, provide a job, heal my sickness, save my children/marriage/house) will I still worship him?

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego truly understood worship. Their worship wasn't tied to their circumstances. It was tied to the God they knew deep down in their hearts. How about yours?

Friday, Mar 3

But these are only hints of his power,
    only the whispers that we have heard.
Who can know how truly great God is?
Job 26:14 (GNT)

I admit it. I am guilty. I am guilty of looking at my current circumstances and thinking what God is asking me to do can't be done. I lean towards believing with my eyes and not with my heart or my experience. Not too many months ago, I was following God's leading on something he asked me to do. What he asked wasn't logical but I asked for confirmation and I got it so I moved forward. As we were walking this path, things went from bad to worse (or so it seemed to me). In frustration I emphatically exclaimed my dissatisfaction and asked him why he'd take us down this path. Two weeks passed and everything fell into place. Perfectly. It was then I realized that it had to unravel before it could be put back together. Of course, God knew. He always does. I hate it when I trust my sight and in so doing I make God look small. One thing I do trust though, as we walk through this journey and I learn a lesson in trust, he's smiling and saying "You are learning, dear one, you are learning."

Who can know how truly great God is? Don't just listen to the whispers of his power. Trust in him and experience it for yourself.


Thursday, Mar 2

Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Hebrews 12:15 (NLT)

She got into my car rather timidly. We chatted about the weather and a recent trip she'd taken. The conversation stayed on the surface and the ride was short so I didn't expect the conversation to go anywhere. As I was shifting the gear into park, she said "I took my trip to have a sex change operation." WOW! I didn't see that coming. My mind raced as I tried to find an appropriate response. Today's text popped into my mind. I asked her some questions and as she was getting out of the car, I told her was glad she was back and was doing OK. She smiled and made a comment about me being nice.

I really think what she was looking for was some form of kindness. I love the way the AMPC version puts Hebrews 12:15....Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another].... We are called to share God's grace so that no one fails to receive it. What is God's grace? It is God giving us the very best of himself when we deserve the least. Translate that into your daily actions. Sharing God's grace would be us planning ahead and looking out for folks (no matter what that looks like) who may need a touch of God's love. It is making sure we share the unconditional love we are so freely given.

How are you going to be on the lookout for someone who needs to see God today? How are you going to share God's grace? 

Wednesday, Mar 1

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 (NLT)

Did you know that one of the reasons lions roar is to protect their territory and to announce ownership of their pride? Did you also know that lions will be quiet when they sense or know a more dominant lion is around? That is excellent news! Sure, the devil is prowling around like a lion but he does not own this territory, Jesus does. The Lion of Judah has conquered and overcome. His roar and his bite are stronger and more powerful than the devil. So face today and every day knowing that you are safe in Jesus' territory. He has already fought for you and won.

And one of the elders said to me, “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:5 (ESV)

Tuesday, Feb 28

No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepeared
for those who love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)

Last week I had the opportunity to share a conversation with someone about God. I was driving him somewhere and found out he was visiting from another country. I got to spend a few minutes with him chatting and the conversation turned to God and prayer (I love it when that happens). I want to share part of it.

Me; Yes, I have been praying about that (what we were talking about)
Him: When we ask God for something he either says "Yes, Wait, or I have something better for you."
Me: Hmmmm, I always say that God says "Yes, Wait or No."
Him: Isn't it the same thing? God says "No" because he has something better in mind for us.

He got out of the care and i sat there taking it in. I've always been OK with God's no because I trust him but this added a complexity that I hadn't processed fully. God loves us. He wants what's best for us. He doesn't just arbitrarily say 'No' in a dictator sort of fashion. He says 'No' because he knows there is a better plan, a better path, and a better way. Oh that we would see the closed doors as they are intended - acts of love, not acts of denial.

Father God, Thank you for sending this man from a far-away place to reveal more of you to me. Amen.

Monday, Feb 27

He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. Titus 3:5 (NLT)

You know why I like this verse? I like it because it says Jesus saved us not because of anything good we’ve done but because of his mercy. Mercy here is defined as “kindness or good will towards the miserable and the afflicted, joined with a desire to help them.” I love that definition because some days we feel like we are miserable and afflicted. Some days (or weeks or months or years) it takes a lot of courage and energy to pick yourself up and keep moving. And some days we need a lot of help. It’s on those days that this promise is one to hold on to. You see, no matter what’s happening here, we always have ‘when we get there’ to look forward to. The promise of “it’s already done” gives us hope for tomorrow.   

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)